Rafzis (Shias)

Rafzis (Shias) had been cut-off from traditional Islam in the age of Sahabah

They besides, expressing disapproval of first three Caliphs,i.e. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique,Hazrat Umar Farooque, Hazrat Usman Ghani (Radi Allahu Anhum), and lower the dignity of Umm-ul-Momineen Hazrat Sayyida Aiysha (Radi Allahu Anhu), and also insulted Hazrat Amir Muawiyyah (Radi Allahu
Ta’ala Anhum). They also believed and said that most of the companians (Sahabah) of the prophet (Sallal Lahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasllam) had left Islam after the Holy Prophet (Sallal Lahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasllam) passed away.

Rafzis also believed that the Holy Quran is not complete. They therefore, denied the necessities of Deen Like Shah abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlvi (Radi Allahu Anhu), who was Mujaddid (The Reviver),of Islam of the thirteen Islamic Century, refuted them and declared them kafir in his time.

Al-Shaikh Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Radi Allahu Anhu), who was also a Mujaddid of Fourteenth Islamic Century, has also refuted Rafzis (Shias) in his books, and has declared them infidel and opostate upon these grounds and bases , which are mentioned above.

Muslim ulama and Scholars around the Islamic word approved his verdict. Especially, Ulama of Makkah,Madina,Iraq,Syria,jordan,Egypt and United India confirnmed and approved his verdict against them and declared them Kafir.


This group is one of the groups,who followed Ismail Dehlvi the first Wahabi in India.

This misguieded group denied the confirmation of Imams and claimed ‘Ijtehad’ for themselves they  added more insulting statements against the prophet’s companions, Imam and Awliya.

Especially, they said about Imam Abu Hanifa (Radi Allahu Anhu) that,”He (Imam Abu Hanifa (Radi Allahu Anhu) ) knew only ten Hadiths,” What a gross ignorance is this about the greatest Imam of Islam?!! Fourteen century has elasped, but world of Islam is still benefitting from his unique calibre and  all schorlars of Islam have been paying tributes to him and followed him in Fiqh (The law of Islamic Shahriah).

Al-Shaikh Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Radi Allahu Anhu) refuted the most igrorant leaders of this misguided and insolant group,called,”Ahl-e-Hadith”,such as: Nazeer Husain Dehlvi,Sanaullah Amritsari and Nawab Siddique Hasan Khan Bhopali

This misguided group has adopted name ,” Ahl-e-Hadith”, but they deny all Hadith which have been followed by all the Muslims throughout past fourteen centuries.They only accept those Hadith which suit farricate Hadith ,themselves.It is one of the fundamental of this group to tell and fabricate lie.And this is their most favourite hobby to create more and more lie.No doubt they are paid agent of the enemies of Islam.

Deobandiyyah or Deobandi

This is another group of the Wahabiyah in India and they are also paid agents of their anti-Islamic foreign masters. the four leading Deobandi leaders: Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, Khaleel Ahmad  Ambethvi and Qasim Nanuatvi crossed all the limits of the Islamic Shariah and of issolance, in the grandure of Allah Ta’ala and His Holy Messenger (Sallal Lahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wassllam).

1-  Ashraf Ali Thanvi rejected the unseen knowledge for the Holy prophet (Sallal Lahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasllam). and not only that, but he went so far that,he confirmed the Holy prophet’s (Sallal Lahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasllam). unseen knowledge with animal and mad-man, Even in some cases he said they have more unseen knowledge than the holy prophet (Hifz-ul-Iman p.8)

He also permitted his followers to recite instead of first Kalima (The first code of Islam),i.e. “La ilaha Illallahu Muhammad ur Rasool lullah.” with his name in the Kalimah: La-ilha illallahu Ashraf Ali Rasool lullah” (Maz Allah) When he was asked :”Whether this uttrance is against Islam or not ? He explained that : ‘No there is nothing against Islam .”‘

Can any ignorant Muslim proclaim such a blaphemous statements?!! No! Never.Then Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Radi Allahu Anhu) fulfilled his religious duty as a scholar and asked him to withdraw his statements but he insisted on those  statements.

And Imam Ahmed Raza (Radi Allahu Anhu) issued verdict against him that because of these statements he has uttered, has gone out of Islam and so he is a Kafir. Ulama and scholars around the Islamic world accepted,confirmed and approved this verdict against him and apperciated Imam Ahmed Raza’s  (Radi Allahu Anhu) efforts and hard word on Islam.

2-Another Wahabi Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi has said in his book that: “Satan’s unseen knowledge is greater than that of the Holy prophet” (Fatawa Rasheedia P.10). He further said in another statement that: ” if you (Muslims) want eteral salvation in present age, you have to only follow me.’ Who can say such a blaspemous statement other than a satan? No Alim (scholar), or ordinary Muslim can utter or accept such statements as these. Only a devil like Gangohi,can say this sort of absolute Kufr.

Imam Ahmad Raza (Radi Allahu Anhu), as an Alim, also asked this man to withdraw his  statements but he insisted on them. so Imam Ahmad Raza  (Radi Allahu Anhu) fulfilled his his duty as a Muslim Alim and issued against him verdict of kufr and all Ulama also accepted , confirmed and approved this verdict.

3-   Khaleel Ahmad Ambethvi worte a book entitled with ” Barahin-e-Qatia.”

Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi verified this book and confirmed the statements of Khaleel Ahmad Ambethvi. Khaleel Ahmad has said in this book that: ” This is not a new issue that Allah can tell a lie , rather there is a difference of opinionns between ancient Ulama.” Imam Ahmad Raza (Radi Allahu Anhu) wrote the following books in refutation of this blasphemous talk:-

Al-Haibatul Jabbariah
Al-Qama-ul-Mobeen etc.

He wrote in this Barahin-e-Qatia that: ” As regards satan and the angel of death, the depth of their knowledge stands proven from the definitive verse of  the Holy Quran but there is nothing as such in the Holy Quran to prove the depth of the knowledge of prophet (Sallal Lahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasllam).

In other words, satan’s knowledge of unseen is greater than that of the Holy proghet ” (p.51)

He has also said that ; ” The Holy prophet has even no knowledge of behind the wall .” (p.51)

He also said that; ” If any one belives that prophet comes during a Milad-an-Nabi”, celebration, he becomes a Kafir. How could any Muslim tolerate
such a blasphemous statement, Imam Ahmad Raza (Radi Allahu Anhu) is an Alim of Islam  fulfilled his religious duty and issued verdict against him and all Muslim scholars ,also accepted confirmed and approved this verdict.

4-   Qasim Nanautvi has said in his book: “if a prophet comes after the last prophet.”(Tahzeer-un-Naas p-24).He further said in the same book  that:According to the general opinion of the ordinary Muslims , “Khatim-un-Nabiyeen” means ‘The last of the prophet ‘,But according to the scholars (Ulama), it does not mean this. And there is no excellence to be the ‘ Last “‘ He says against the same book : ” A follower can equal in good action with the prophet and sometimes a follower can be rewarded more than the prophet.”

Any one can imagine, what mentalities these misguided people had that they uttered such a Blasphemous statements? It seems that they were definitely paid agents of the enemies of Islam and they were also receiving huge  salaiesfor their anti-islamic actions.

Imam Ahmed Raza (Radi Allahu Anhu) fulfilled his religious duty as an Alim of Islam and issued verdict of his kufr and all Muslims scholars around the world accepted, confirmed and approved this verdict and greatly appreciated Imam Ahmed Raza’s (Radi Allahu Anhu) efforts for preserving the Islamic beliefs.


Sayyid Ahmad Raibarelvi and Ismail Dehlvi introduced and propagated Wahabism in united india . Ismail Dehlvi made severe derogatory remarks against Allah Ta’ala and the Holy Prophet (Sallal Lahu Ta’ala Alaihi Waslaam).

Ismail Dehlvi has said in his book ” Taqwiat-ul-iman

(1)  He’ whose name is Muhammad or Ali, can not be the owner  (Malik) or attorney (Mukhtaar) of anybody” (P.28)

(2)   ‘The rank and status of the prophet are equal to an elder brother” (P.42)

HE further blasphemoused in above  mentioned book and also in his another book, ‘Sirat-e-Mustaqeem”. HE has written following blasphemous statement in this book; ‘It is better that any body thinks of a cow or a donley . or of adultery , in Salah and his Salah will be all right than thinking about the Holy prophet in Salah, his Salah will not be acceptable”.

He also has mentioned a Hadith of the Holy prophet (Sallal lahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasllam).in which it has been said ” . ‘ At the end of this world a wind will blow and all Muslims will die and there will remain only Kafirs on the Earth. ”

Ismail Dehlvi after mentioning this Hadith says”

It has happened as the prophet said and there are not Muslims on the earth now.”

We ask the Muslim that can such a person be  a Muslims?!!this was a gross insult that any one had committed in the past. If  Rushdie was rejected by all
Muslims how can these ‘ Rushdies ‘ of united India, would have been tolrated and accepted by Muslims scholars such as Imam Ahamd Raza (Radi Allahu Anhu) ?!! No! Never!

Such persons can not and will never be torated, even by any ordinary Muslim.No same Muslim who has instinct wisdom and faith, Can tolerate these insolant people.No faith can tolerate these insolant people then,how could an Alim,such as Imam Ahmed Raza (Radi Allahu Anhu) could have tolerate accepted and spared them ?!!He could not and did not, so he issued against them his verdict as true Alim (Scholar) and Mufti (Judge),of Islam. His verdict was accepted , confirmed and approved by all Muslims Ulama and scholars of the world.

Imam Ahmad Raza (Radi Allahu Anhu) has written books in refutation of Ismail Dehlvi that he proved in one of his book that he deseved to be declared as an disbeliever on seventy five reasons. He, in his another book, has proved with giving seventy or more reasons that this insolant man, Ismail Delvi, revealed himself to be charge of being a disbeliever.