What is the meaning of Mujahidah(Spiritual Struggle)? Al Malfuz Al Sharif Vol 1

Madina Al Munawwarah Al Malfuz Al Sharif Vol 1 – Anecdotes of AlaHadrat, Imam Ahmad Rida Khan عليه الرحمة (Must Read)

Question: What is the meaning of Mujahidah(Spiritual Struggle)?

Answer: The entire concept of Mujahidah is enclosed in this ayah:

And those who tremble with fear in the presence of their lord and abstain from the desires of Nafs, Verily, their abode is Jannah. – (Surah An-Naziyat79, Verse 40,41)

This is actually known as Jihad al-Akbar (the great struggle in spiritualism). It is stated in the Hadith Sharif that after returning victoriously from Jihad with the Kuffar at Badr, the Holy Prophet of Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم stated:

Now we return from the minor battle to the major battle. – (Sharh Zurqani, Vol.1, p.324)

A certain Wali of Allah spent three years in worship struck by the desire of eating pomegranate. He dreamt of Sayyidund Rasulullah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم who said to him: Read the rest of this entry »

Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak 2016 1438 hijri

Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak 2016

Eid Milad Un Nabi Manana Jaiz Hai Ya Nahi | Mufti Maqsood Akhtar Qadri Razvi Amjadi

A Must Listen & Share video of just 32mins on Eid Milad Un Nabi ﷺ Manana Jaiz Hai Ya Nahi Quran Wa Hadith ki raushni main by Khalifa E Taajush Shariah (Alaih Rehma) Wa Muhadith E Kabeer Allama Zia Ul Mustafa Qadri Amjadi Sahab | Mufti Maqsood Akhtar Qadri Razvi Amjadi Sahab

(A Must Share to those how dont Celebrate Mawlid Un Nabi ﷺ noone can deny this proofs.)


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Rabbi Ul Awwal , Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak 2015

Rabbi Ul Awwal , Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak  2015 , Madina Sharif

Eid Milad Un Nabi Manana Jaiz Hai Ya Nahi | Mufti Maqsood Akhtar Qadri Razvi Amjadi

A Must Listen & Share video of just 32mins on Eid Milad Un Nabi ﷺ Manana Jaiz Hai Ya Nahi Quran Wa Hadith ki raushni main by Khalifa E Taajush Shariah (Alaih Rehma) Wa Muhadith E Kabeer Allama Zia Ul Mustafa Qadri Amjadi Sahab | Mufti Maqsood Akhtar Qadri Razvi Amjadi Sahab

(A Must Share to those how dont Celebrate Mawlid Un Nabi ﷺ noone can deny this proofs.)


The birth of our Beloved Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, together with Its miracles have been transmitted to us by his mother Sayyidah Aamina Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha and those in attendance.

Abu Nu’aym reports from Abdullah bin Abbas Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhuma, who narrated that the mother of the Messenger SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam, Sayyidah Amina Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha used to state,

لما خرج من بطني فنظرت اليه فاذا انابه ساجد ثم رايت سحابة بيضاء قد اقبلت من السماء حتى غشيته فغيب عن وجھي ، ثم تجلت فاذا انابه مدرج في ثوب صوف ابيض وتحته حريرة خضراء وقد قبض على ثلٰثة مفاتيح من اللؤلوء الرطب واذا قائل يقول قبض محمد على مفاتيح النصرة ومفاتيح الربح ومفاتيح النبوة ثم اقبلت سحابة اخرٰى حتى غشيته فغيب عن عيني ثم تجلت فاذا انابه قد قبض على حريرة خضراء مطوية واذ قائل يقول بخٍ بخٍ قبض محمد على الدنيا کلھا لم يبق خلق من اھلھا الادخل في قبضته

“When the Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam was born, he fell straight into prostration. Then I saw a white cloud from the sky appearing and covering the Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam such that HE SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam disappeared from me. When the cloud appeared, I saw that the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam was covered in a white woolly shawl and there was a green mat spread on the floor. Within the hands of the Messenger SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam there were three keys made of diamonds and there was an unseen voice heard saying, ‘The Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam has grasped the key of giving victory, the key of giving benefit and the key of Prophethood.’ Then I saw another cloud which enclosed the Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam such that he disappeared from my view and it became illuminated. I saw that the Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam is holding a folded piece of green silk in his blessed hands and an unseen voice was heard was saying, ‘How great! How great! The Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam has grasped the whole world; all the creation has entered into his grasp, with none left out.’”

Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, narrated from ibn Mas’ud RadiAllahu Anhu, [Al-Maktab al-Islami, Beirut], Vol. 1, Page 386

Sunan al-Darimi, the chapter on Ma U’tiya al-Nabiyyu Min al-Fadl, [Dar al-Mahasin li al-Taba’ah, Cairo], Vol. 1, Page 30

Al-Khasais al-Kubra, the chapter on Ma Zahara Fi Lailat Moulidi, [Markaz Ahl Sunnat, Gujarat], Vol. 1, Page 48


Bi Hamdillah Abdullah Ka Noore Nazar Aaya,
Mubarak Aamina ka Noor E Dil, Lakhte Jigar aaya.

Revive a Sunnah | Using Miswak (Siwak) and its Excellence

Miswaak A Miswak, or siwak, is a natural tooth-stick made from a twig of a tree. Typically made from peelu, olive or walnut tree. It is used to clean the teeth, and holds an important place in Islam. The reason for this is that our blessed and beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam), along with all the other prophets (Ala Nabiyyina wa Alayhim as-Salat wa as-Salam), used it regularly, and strongly advised his followers to do the same. Unfortunately! Today, most perhaps this beautiful sunnah of using Miswak is almost a ‘Forgotten’ Sunnah (May Allah forbid). Whereas, this is definitely one of the most favorable and easiest Sunnah of all. Instead, we embarrassed to practice it in public. May Allah give us better understanding. Here we present some of the sacred traditions of the beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) on the excellence and benefits of using miswak.

Ahadtih on the Excellence of Miswak

Hadith 1: The Beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) states, “Miswak is a thing that pleases the Merciful Lord.” [Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 637, Hadith 1933]

So it is obvious that one will reap endless bounties when the Lord Almighty is pleased.

Hadith 2: The Noble Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) has stated, “When any one of you stand at night to offer Salah, you should clean your teeth with a Miswak because when you recite the Quran, an angel places his mouth on yours and anything coming out of your mouth enters the mouth of that angel.” [Shu’ab al-Iman, Vol. 2, Page 381, Hadith 2117]

Hadith 3: Sayyiduna Abu Umamah (Radi Allahu Anhu) has narrated the following saying of the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam), “Miswak is a means of the purification of your mouths and the pleasure of your Rabb.” [Sunan Ibn Majah, Page 2495, Hadith 289]

Hadith 4: Tabrani narrates a Hasan narration on the authority of Hadrat Ali (Radi Allahu Anhu), citing that Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said, “If I did not feel that it would be difficult upon my Ummah, I would have commanded them to perform miswak with every Wudu.” [Mu’jam al-Awsat, Vol. 1, Page 341, Hadith 1238]

Hadith 5: In other words I would have made it Fard. In some narrations the term Fard has also appeared. [Mustadrak lil Haakim, Vol. 1, Page 364, Hadith 531] Read the rest of this entry »

Important and Popular Islamic pages and post links

Madina Sharif

Allah – beginning with the name of – the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise is to Allah, the Lord Of The Worlds. Peace and Blessings upon our Master Muhammad, upon his blessed family and his noble companions.

Page Links

Post Links

A humble appeal of AlaHazrat radi Allah anhu to muslim brethren

What is Imaan-e-Kaamil [ Perfect Imaan ]

The Holy Quraan and the Respect of the Prophet Sallalaho alaihi wasallam

The Necessity to Love the Beloved Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him]

Respect Of The Things Associated With The Holy Prophet Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam

The Different Ways Of Respecting The Holy and Blessed Prophet Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam

“Things” that Loved the Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam

How Would the Creation Respond? | In honor of the Beloved Prophet of Allah ﷺ

The reason why Allah ta’ala created the Universe

The Greatness of the Master of Creation, Sayyiduna RasūlAllah śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam | A few Hadith

THE MODEL BEHAVIOR OF THE HOLY PROPHET Salla Allahu ta’ala’ alayhi wa sallam & HIS COMPANIONS Radi Allahu anhum

LOVING ALLAH & THE HOLY PROPHET Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam

Loyalty to ALLAH Almighy useless without Love for the PROPHET salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam

Allah Almighty made the Holy Ka’bah as Qibla to fulfil the Holy Prophet’s Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam desire

THE PROPHET (Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam) has the power of giving benefit and loss

The Blessings of the hands of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)

Love And Respect of the Sahaba radi Allahu anhum for The Holy Prophet Muhammed SallAllahu ta ala alayhi wa sallam

HAZIR-O-NAZIR CONCEPT USED FOR RASOOLULLAH (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)

Hayat al-Anbiya (عليه السلام) [Prophet’s are Alive]

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is Noor-ul-Bashar (both Noor and Human)

Beloved Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam’s Knowledge of Five Secrets : Uloom al-Khamsah

It is Not Necessary For Respect , That The Respected Person Should Be Present

Penalty for Insulting the Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam

THE CURSE OF THE HOLY PROPHET Salla Allahu ta’ala alayhi wa sallam

THE HOLY PROPHET’S Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam TREATMENT OF THE HYPOCRITES.


DISRESPECT THOSE WHO DISRESPECT THE PROPHET Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam

Visiting the Blessed Mausoleum of the Beloved Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam

Mere “KALIMA” recitation not sufficient

Imam Ahmed Raza Khan radi allahu anhu addresses a dis-respecter of the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] on the issue of Ilm al Ghayb

Surah Al-Tauba – The Hypocrites who turned disbelievers after becoming Muslims”

Surah Al Qamar glorious miracle of splitting of the moon, yet stubborn infidels failed to accept faith in it

Did the Wahabis exist in the time of the Khulafa al-Rashidin? Al Malfuz Al Sharif Vol 1

Tablighi Jamaat and Wahabis in light of Ahadees

Except for the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, all other groups are people of Hell (Part 1)

Except for the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, all other groups are people of Hell (Part 2)

Except for the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, all other groups are people of Hell (Part 3)

Sighting of the Crescent

Prominent Scholars of Islam on Celebrating Mawlid an-Nabawi Sharif

Permissibility Of Celebrating Meelad-Un-Nabi Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam

Commemorating the Noble Birth of the Beloved Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon Him)

Mawlid un Nabi | The Lawfullness of Celebrating the Prophet’s Birth

The Divine Vision » Me’raj-un-Nabi SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam

Decorating the Musjids with lights , OBJECTIONS & ANSWERS TO LIGHTING THE MUSJIDS,ETC.


In the case where a person walks in front of a Namaazi – Ahkaam E Shariat Part 1

The Recitation of the Holy Qur’an and its Excellence


Duties of Children towards Deceased Parents

Seeking blessings from the graves of the pious

The Permissibility of Asking Allâhu ta’âlâ for Things by Some of His Creation

Ĥadīth: He who forgets to read Darood [upon me], has certainly forgotten the path to Jannah


What is the meaning of Mujahidah(Spiritual Struggle)? Al Malfuz Al Sharif Vol 1


Virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt: A means unto the revival of the dead soul

Utterances of Shaykh Abdal Qadir Al-Jilani radi Allahu anhu (Malfuzat Sharif) Part 1

Two Ways to Purify the Heart

For the sake of ALLAH (Exalted is He) : Sahih Al-Bukhari

To recite Durood before and after Adhan

THE PERMISSIBILITY OF RECITING AZAAN AT THE GRAVESIDE – “Izaanul Khabar fi Izaanul Qabar” by A’la Hadrat Imam Ahmed Raza Bareilwi

Consume food only if it is “Halal”

Muslim Spouse selection (Only this relation would be here and in heaven)

The best Sadaqah is that a Muslim gains knowledge and then imparts it to his brother. [IbnMajah, Vol. 1, Page 158, Hadith 243]

All praise is to Allah, the Lord Of The Worlds. Peace and Blessings upon our Master Muhammad, upon his blessed family and his noble companions.

Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak , 12 Rabbi Ul Awwal Mubarak

Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak Wallpaper

Eid Milad Un Nabi Manana Jaiz Hai Ya Nahi | Mufti Maqsood Akhtar Qadri Razvi Amjadi


A Must Listen & Share video of just 32mins on Eid Milad Un Nabi ﷺ Manana Jaiz Hai Ya Nahi Quran Wa Hadith ki raushni main by Khalifa E Taajush Shariah (Alaih Rehma) Wa Muhadith E Kabeer Allama Zia Ul Mustafa Qadri Amjadi Sahab | Mufti Maqsood Akhtar Qadri Razvi Amjadi Sahab

(A Must Share to those how dont Celebrate Mawlid Un Nabi ﷺ noone can deny this proofs.)

The birth of our Beloved Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, together with Its miracles have been transmitted to us by his mother Sayyidah Aamina Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha and those in attendance.

و كونه رافعاً رأسه عندما وضعته شاخصاً ببصره إلى السماء ، و ما رأته من النور الذي خرج معه ولادته ، و ما رأته إذ ذاك أم عثمان بن أبي العاص من تدلي النجوم ، و ظهور النور عند ولادته ، حتى ما تنظر إلا النور As our beloved Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, was born a radiant light accompanied him and he lifted his head towards the heavens and the mother of Othman’s Abil-As’s son witnessed stars lowering themselves and a light so bright appeared that she could see nothing other than light.

Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol. 1, Page 113 Musnad Imam Ahmad, Vol. 4, Page 127 Read the rest of this entry »

Prominent Scholars of Islam on Celebrating Mawlid an-Nabawi Sharif

Eid Milad Un Nabi WallpaperHaving read the words of those who had lived with the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam and had closely watched his every action, we shall now turn to some great scholars of Islam, whose writings are considered most authentic in Islamic affairs. Pay heed to these to dispel any doubts that you may have regarding the subject. All these great scholars firmly believed that celebrating Mawlid Sharif of the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam is authentic and lawful.

..:: Sayings of the Great Scholars about Celebrating Mawlid? ::..

1. After relating Abu Lahab’s relief on setting Thuwaibha free, Hadrat Maulana Shah Abdul Haq Dehlvi in his famous book Madarijun Nabuwwat says:

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The Holy Quraan and the Respect of the Prophet Sallalaho alaihi wasallam

Ayat al KursiAllah Taala says in the Quraan:

(Oh Nabi) surely we have sent you as a witness (present and seeing) and as a bearer of glad-tidings (of our mercy) and a timely Warner (against the torment). In order that you (Oh people!) may believe in Allah and his Apostle, and may assist him, and honour and respect him heart and soul. And that you may sanctify and glorify Allah morning and evening

Hazrat Qadi Iyaad alaihi Rahmah states:

Allah Taala has made it an essential and a necessary act to respect the Prophet , and compulsory to obey him (Shifa Sharif)

Meaning that from the verse the command to obey the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)and respect him is imperative, compulsory and not just permissible. Therefore is it obligatory upon the Muslims to obey and have respect for the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) in someway or another. We also get to know from the verse that there is no specific or particular way in respecting the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)therefore; we should respect him in every way. However to call the Noble Prophet Sallalaho alaihi wasallam as God or as a Son of God is Kufr and that person becomes an infidel and is out of the boundaries of Islam.


In the above verse, Imaan has been mentioned first (In order that you (Oh people!) May believe in Allah and his Apostle) then the respect of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has been mentioned (and may assist him, and honour and respect him heart and soul), and then the command of worship (And that you may sanctify and glorify Allah morning and evening). So we get this image that without Imaan the respect of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)is useless, and without the respect of the Blessed and holy Messenger Sallalaho alaihi wasallam, all our worships, like Salaah, Zakaah, Sawm, Hajj and the rest, are invalid and unaccepted.

In another place Allah, Taala says:

And who so respects the Signs of Allah, then this respect is because of the piety in their hearts

The summary of this ayah is that people who have fear of Allah in their hearts, then they are the ones who will respect the Signs of Allah. The Signs here means by the signs of Allahs religion, Islam. (Tafsir-e-Jalalain).

Moreover, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)is the greatest sign of Islam and is the highest and supreme sign of the religion. Those who deny the respecting of the Prophet , even though they look like good practising Muslims, their hearts are barren and empty with the fear of Allah!

It is in the Quraan:

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Miracles that took place at the time of Prophet sallallahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam’s Blessed Birth

The birth of our Beloved Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, together with Its miracles have been transmitted to us by his mother Sayyidah Aamina Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anha and those in attendance.

و كونه رافعاً رأسه عندما وضعته شاخصاً ببصره إلى السماء ، و ما رأته من النور الذي خرج معه ولادته ، و ما رأته إذ ذاك أم عثمان بن أبي العاص من تدلي النجوم ، و ظهور النور عند ولادته ، حتى ما تنظر إلا النور

As our beloved Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, was born a radiant light accompanied him and he lifted his head towards the heavens and the mother of Othman’s Abil-As’s son witnessed stars lowering themselves and a light so bright appeared that she could see nothing other than light.

Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol. 1, Page 113

Musnad Imam Ahmad, Vol. 4, Page 127 Read the rest of this entry »

Tablighi Jamaat and Wahabis in light of Ahadees

heaven & hellNote: Due to objections from Tablighi Jamaat and Wahabis that the Ahadees stated in this article were not found upon there research. We have posted below the Arabic Text and Ahadis number where possible.

The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) has Prophesied that many individuals and religious sects will cause dissension and mischief till the Day of Judgment. He has made a particular reference to the Wahhabi/Tableeghi Movement.

Hazrat Abu Huzaifa (Radiallhu Anhu) narrates a Hadith concerning the leaders of the mischief makers: “I swear by Allah that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) has not left out a single leader of Fitna from this day to the day of Qiyamah. Their followers would number 300 or more and further gave their names and that of their tribes.” (Abu Dawood)


Imam Bukhari (Radiallhu Anhu) quotes this Hadith from Abdullah ibn Umar (Radiallhu Anhu) that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) once prayed for Syria (Shaam) and Yemen. It is narrated that there were some people of Najd also present in the gathering and they requested the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) to make du’a for Najd also. The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) continued saying: “O! Allah, Shower Blessings on Shaam and Yemen,” The people of Najd again requested the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) to offer prayers for Najd. The Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “It is a place of tremor and Fitna (Mischief) and the horn of Shaitaan will rise from there.” (Bukhari Shareef, Vol. ii, PP. 1050)

It can be deduced from the above Hadith that Najd is neither blessed nor a good place but one of Fitna and Evil. Najd has been deprived of the prayers of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) and therefore Najd has the seal of misery and misfortune and hoping for any good from there is going against the Will of Allah.

The Arabic word used in the above Hadith is Qarnush Shaitaan, which normally means the horn of Shaitaan. But the ‘Misbahul Lughaat’, a dictionary printed in Deoband has the following meaning: “One who follows the advice of Shaitaan.” (Misbahul Lughaat, pp/663). Thus we learn that a Najdi/Wahhabi group will emerge, as pointed out by Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) and this group will follow the advice of Shaitaan (Shaitaan refuses to respect Prophets and Saints, remember his refusal to bow to Hazrat Adam (Alayhi Salaam) is mentioned in the Quran. It will create havoc in the Muslim world. We are now witnessing the emergence of the Wahhabis who, with the assistance of petrodollars, are sweeping the Muslim world and are bribing them into accepting Wahhabism as the official version of Islam. Wahhabism is a disease but so many are misled into believing that it is curing the Ummah of Shirk, Kufr and Bidah. It is being portrayed as a revivalist movement. This is against the Ahadith. Looking at the geographical position of Najd, it lies to the East of Medina. The Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) pointed towards the East and said:
“There, that is the direction from where Fitna will emerge.”


Abdullah bin Umar (Radiallhu Anhu) narrates in Muslim Shareef: “The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) once emerged from the room of his wife, Hazrat Ayesha (Radiallahu Anha) and pointing towards Najd exclaimed:
‘This is the center of Kufr from where the horn of Shaitaan will rise’.”
(Muslim Shareef Vol. ii, PP. 1394)

Allama Dahlan narrates an authentic Hadith in his book ‘Addarus Sunniah’, which he has quoted from Sihaah. Read the rest of this entry »