Ĥadīth: He who forgets to read Darood [upon me], has certainly forgotten the path to Jannah

The Master of Creation Sayyidunā RasūlAllâh śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam said, 

He who forgets to read Durūd [upon me], has certainly forgotten the path to Jannah. [Imām al-Sakhâwī, al-Qawl al-Badī’ fī al-Salāt ‘ala al-Habīb al-Shafī]

‘On the Day of Qiyamah there will be people who will be ordered to enter Jannah, but will not find the path to Jannah.’ When the Sahāba rađiyAllāhu ánhum asked as to what the reason for this would be, he replied, ‘There will be individuals who did not read Durūd when they heard my name being mentioned’. [Imām Abdur Rahmān, Nuzhat al-Majālis]

Certainly that person is a miser who does not read Durūd [upon me] when my name is mentioned in front of him. [Imām Tabrizi, Mishkāt al-Masabīh]

There will be three individuals who will be deprived of recognizing me. The first is he who does not obey his parents. The second is he who abandons my Sunnah. The third is he who does not read Durūd [upon me] when my name is mentioned. [Imām al-Sakhâwī, al-Qawl al-Badī’ fī al-Salāt ‘ala al-Habīb al-Shafī]

When a group of people gather and then arise without having mentioned Allâh Almighty and not having recited Durūd [upon me], then it is as if they have arisen after consuming rotten flesh. [Imām al-Sakhâwī, al-Qawl al-Badī’ fī al-Salāt ‘ala al-Habīb al-Shafī]

When people sit in any gathering without reading Durūd [upon me], even though some will enter Jannah, they will be full of regret. [Regret when looking at the lofty position achieved by others who were in the habit of reading the blessed Durūd upon the beloved Prophet śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam]. [Imām al-Sakhâwī, al-Qawl al-Badī’ fī al-Salāt ‘ala al-Habīb al-Shafī]

May I show you who among the misers is the greatest of misers? It is he who does not recite Durūd [upon me] when in front of whom my name is mentioned. [Imām al-Sakhâwī, al-Qawl al-Badī’ fī al-Salāt ‘ala al-Habīb al-Shafī]

When I am remembered in front of any individual, and the individual does not recite Durūd, he will certainly enter Hell.

Sadr as-Sharī’ā ‘Allâmah Muftī Amjad Alī raĥimahullah has stated,

It is Fardh for one to recite Durūd once in his life. In a congregation it is Wâjib to read Durūd when a person hears the blessed name of the beloved Prophet śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam whether he says the blessed name himself or hears it from someone else. If one hears the blessed name 100 times in a gathering, he must read Durūd each time. If someone hears the blessed name of the beloved Prophet śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam and does not recite Durūd, he must do later when he recalls. When one writes the blessed name of the beloved Prophet śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam, according to certain scholars, it is Wajib to write Durūd in full. Certain individuals abbreviate Durūd and write مص  ,ص  ,ع this is impermissible and Harām. [Sadr as-Sharī’á, Bahār-e Sharīát, pt. 3, pp. 101 – 102. Maktaba tul Madīnah. Karachi]

It is said that someone once a saw an individual in his dream who was wearing the hat of a fire worshipper. He was asked as to why. He replied,

Whenever the name of the blessed Prophet śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam was taken, I never used to read Durūd and because of this my inner knowledge and Îmân was taken [from me]. [Saba’ Sanābil, pp. 35, Maktaba Nūriyah Ridhwīyya]

2 Responses to “Ĥadīth: He who forgets to read Darood [upon me], has certainly forgotten the path to Jannah”

  1. Important and Popular pages and post links | Ashiq-E-Rasool Says:

    […] Ĥadīth: He who forgets to read Darood [upon me], has certainly forgotten the path to Jannah […]

  2. Important and Popular Islamic pages and post links | Ashiq-E-Rasool Says:

    […] Ĥadīth: He who forgets to read Darood [upon me], has certainly forgotten the path to Jannah […]

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