The Different Ways Of Respecting The Holy and Blessed Prophet Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam

madina sharif Not only to stand up is a sign of respect, but there are many other ways of respecting someone or something Like it is in

the holy Quraan:

And seek help from patience and Salaah

There are three types of patience. To have patience at the time of calamity or at the time of hardship or when there is someone who is disobedient and to have patience in refraining from any sins. (Tafsir-e-Sawi)

The question may arise that why did Allah mentioned Salaah after patience? Then the answer to this question has been given by Allama Jalalud-deen Suyuti alaihi Rahmah, in his Tafsir-e-Jalalain:

To mention Salaah independently shows its status and its respect. This means that because Allah wanted to show the respect of Salaah, he mentioned it separately.

For example, if there is a wedding and someone orders his relatives Give invitation to every one who are present in the mosque and also dont forget to give the invitation to Mufti sahib, even though mufti sahib is included by saying every one but to mention him separately is a sign to illustrate his respect.

It is also in second chapter of the holy Quraan:

Oh people of faith! Enter Islam completely.

Underneath this verse, Allama Suyuti has written: This verse was revealed because of some companions like Hazrat Abdullah bin Salaam when they were respecting the Saturdays.

This was due to the fact that Hazrat Abdullah bin Salaam and some of his friends were Jews before accepting Islam, therefore they still had that habit of not hunting animals on Saturdays as they were respecting this day and believed it as a holy day. Due to this reason the verse was revealed.

From this, we get to know that not killing something on a particular day is also regarded as a sign of respect.

When the magicians came to Hazrat Musa Alaihi Salaam, they asked:

You may drop your stick or we will drop ours

The asking of the magicians was classed as respect, and due to this respect, they were gifted with Imaan, as it is mentioned in Tafsir-e-Khazin and Tafsir-e-Jamal: Read the rest of this entry »