Important and Popular Islamic pages and post links

Madina Sharif

Allah – beginning with the name of – the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise is to Allah, the Lord Of The Worlds. Peace and Blessings upon our Master Muhammad, upon his blessed family and his noble companions.

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A humble appeal of AlaHazrat radi Allah anhu to muslim brethren

What is Imaan-e-Kaamil [ Perfect Imaan ]

The Holy Quraan and the Respect of the Prophet Sallalaho alaihi wasallam

The Necessity to Love the Beloved Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him]

Respect Of The Things Associated With The Holy Prophet Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam

The Different Ways Of Respecting The Holy and Blessed Prophet Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam

“Things” that Loved the Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam

How Would the Creation Respond? | In honor of the Beloved Prophet of Allah ﷺ

The reason why Allah ta’ala created the Universe

The Greatness of the Master of Creation, Sayyiduna RasūlAllah śallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam | A few Hadith

THE MODEL BEHAVIOR OF THE HOLY PROPHET Salla Allahu ta’ala’ alayhi wa sallam & HIS COMPANIONS Radi Allahu anhum

LOVING ALLAH & THE HOLY PROPHET Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam

Loyalty to ALLAH Almighy useless without Love for the PROPHET salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam

Allah Almighty made the Holy Ka’bah as Qibla to fulfil the Holy Prophet’s Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam desire

THE PROPHET (Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam) has the power of giving benefit and loss

The Blessings of the hands of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)

Love And Respect of the Sahaba radi Allahu anhum for The Holy Prophet Muhammed SallAllahu ta ala alayhi wa sallam

HAZIR-O-NAZIR CONCEPT USED FOR RASOOLULLAH (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)

Hayat al-Anbiya (عليه السلام) [Prophet’s are Alive]

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is Noor-ul-Bashar (both Noor and Human)

Beloved Prophet Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam’s Knowledge of Five Secrets : Uloom al-Khamsah

It is Not Necessary For Respect , That The Respected Person Should Be Present

Penalty for Insulting the Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam

THE CURSE OF THE HOLY PROPHET Salla Allahu ta’ala alayhi wa sallam

THE HOLY PROPHET’S Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam TREATMENT OF THE HYPOCRITES.


DISRESPECT THOSE WHO DISRESPECT THE PROPHET Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam

Visiting the Blessed Mausoleum of the Beloved Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam

Mere “KALIMA” recitation not sufficient

Imam Ahmed Raza Khan radi allahu anhu addresses a dis-respecter of the Prophet [sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam] on the issue of Ilm al Ghayb

Surah Al-Tauba – The Hypocrites who turned disbelievers after becoming Muslims”

Surah Al Qamar glorious miracle of splitting of the moon, yet stubborn infidels failed to accept faith in it

Did the Wahabis exist in the time of the Khulafa al-Rashidin? Al Malfuz Al Sharif Vol 1

Tablighi Jamaat and Wahabis in light of Ahadees

Except for the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, all other groups are people of Hell (Part 1)

Except for the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, all other groups are people of Hell (Part 2)

Except for the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, all other groups are people of Hell (Part 3)

Sighting of the Crescent

Prominent Scholars of Islam on Celebrating Mawlid an-Nabawi Sharif

Permissibility Of Celebrating Meelad-Un-Nabi Salla Allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam

Commemorating the Noble Birth of the Beloved Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon Him)

Mawlid un Nabi | The Lawfullness of Celebrating the Prophet’s Birth

The Divine Vision » Me’raj-un-Nabi SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam

Decorating the Musjids with lights , OBJECTIONS & ANSWERS TO LIGHTING THE MUSJIDS,ETC.


In the case where a person walks in front of a Namaazi – Ahkaam E Shariat Part 1

The Recitation of the Holy Qur’an and its Excellence


Duties of Children towards Deceased Parents

Seeking blessings from the graves of the pious

The Permissibility of Asking Allâhu ta’âlâ for Things by Some of His Creation

Ĥadīth: He who forgets to read Darood [upon me], has certainly forgotten the path to Jannah


What is the meaning of Mujahidah(Spiritual Struggle)? Al Malfuz Al Sharif Vol 1


Virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt: A means unto the revival of the dead soul

Utterances of Shaykh Abdal Qadir Al-Jilani radi Allahu anhu (Malfuzat Sharif) Part 1

Two Ways to Purify the Heart

For the sake of ALLAH (Exalted is He) : Sahih Al-Bukhari

To recite Durood before and after Adhan

THE PERMISSIBILITY OF RECITING AZAAN AT THE GRAVESIDE – “Izaanul Khabar fi Izaanul Qabar” by A’la Hadrat Imam Ahmed Raza Bareilwi

Consume food only if it is “Halal”

Muslim Spouse selection (Only this relation would be here and in heaven)

The best Sadaqah is that a Muslim gains knowledge and then imparts it to his brother. [IbnMajah, Vol. 1, Page 158, Hadith 243]

All praise is to Allah, the Lord Of The Worlds. Peace and Blessings upon our Master Muhammad, upon his blessed family and his noble companions.


When a Muslim is in the last stages of his or her life, those present should read Surah Yaseen, Surah Ra’ad and the Kalimah Shahaadah in order to ease the pangs of death for the person. We must also urge, and not force, the person to read the Kalimah. When the person has passed away, the family members should immediately organize Ghusal and Burial affairs. (Ask your Imam/teacher to explain or demonstrate to you how the Ghusal of a Mayyit is performed).

Salaatul Janazah

Salaatul Janazah is actually a Du’a that is made on behalf of the dead person. Salaatul Janazah is Fard upon all Muslims who have knowledge of the Janazah or funeral. While the Imaam reads out the Takbeer aloud, we should repeat them silently.

Fard of Salaatul Janazah

There are 2 Fards in Salaatul Janazah:
1. To stand and perform Salaah (Qiyaam).
2. To read all the 4 Takbeers.
Note: If one does not know what Du’as to read after each Takbeer, one can still join the Janazah Salaah and read the Takbeers softly.

The Manner of making Salaatul Janazah

1. The body of the Mayyit should be placed with its right side facing the Qiblah.
2. The Imaam should stand in line with the chest of the Mayyit when leading the Salaah. This also means that the head of the Mayyit will be to the right of the Imaam.
3. It is also Mustahab to make an odd number of Sufoof (Safs) or rows. However ,if there are a large number of people, then there is no need to follow this rule.
4. After the Safs are straight, everyone should make the Niyyah.
5. After the first Takbeer, everyone should read the Thana.
6. After the second Takbeer, you should read the Durood-e- Ebrahim which is: The same as read in Salaah.
7. After the third Takbeer,
A. FOR AN ADULT: (the prescribed Dua)
B. FOR A BOY: (the prescribed Dua)
C. FOR A GIRL: (the prescribed Dua)
8. After the fourth Takbeer, the Imaam will read the Salaam.
9. You should not raise your hands after each Takbeer but repeat the Takbeers silently.
10. After the Salaatul Janazah, it is recommended that you make a Du’a for the Mayyit.

Late-Comers for the Salaatul Janazah

It is permissable for a person to make Tayyamum if he fears that he will miss the Janazah Salaah. This rule only applies for Janazah and Eid Salaah. If a person is late and joins the congregation after the Imaam has already read a few Takbeers, then he should join the Imaam for the next Takbeer. After the Salaah, he can read the Takbeers he missed by merely saying “Allahu Akbar” softly for every Takbeer he missed. He is not permitted to read any Du’a after the Takbeers.


1. If the Masbooq misses one Rakaah of any Salaah then he must not make Salaam with the Imaam but stand up just after the Imaam’s second Salaam. He should then read the Thana, Ta’ooz, Tasmiyah, Surah Fatiha and another Sura, and then complete the Salaah as normal.

2. If the Masbooq misses 2 Rakaah of Fajar, Zohar, Asar, or Isha Salaah, then he must stand up and read the Thana, Ta’ooz, Tasmiyah, Surah Fatiha and another Surah for the first Rakaah. He must then go into Sajdah and after the second Sajdah immediately come up for the second Rakaah. He must read Surah Fatiha followed by another Surah and then complete the Salaah as normal.

3. If the Masbooq misses 3 Rakaah of Zohar, Asar or Isha Salaah, then he must stand up and read Thana, Ta’ooz, Tasmiyah, Surah Fatiha and another Surah. He should then sit in Qoudah after the Sajdah and read Tashahhud. Then, he should stand up for his second Rakaah and read Surah Fatiha and another Surah. After completing the Sajdah, he should stand up for the third Rakaah and read only Surah Fatiha and complete the Salaah as normal.

4. If the Masbooq misses 2 Rakaah of Maghrib then he must stand up and read Thana, Ta’ooz, Tasmiya, Surah Fatiha another Surah and after the 2 Sajdah, he should sit and complete the Tashahhud. He should then rise for the second Rakaah, read Surah Fatiha followed by another Surah and then complete the Salaah as normal.


1. Qada Salaah is Salaah that is made after the appointed time of that Salaah has passed.
2. It is a great sin to intentionally delay reading Salaah from its actual time.
3. Qada Salaah should be made as soon as possible.
4. There is no Qada for the Sunnah or Nafil Salaah.
5. If a person misses his Salaah during a journey, then his Qada will also become a Qasr Salaah if he is making the Qada of Zohar, Asar or Isha Salaah.
6. Qada has to be made for all Waajib and Fard Salaah.
7. Females, who have missed their Salaah due to Haiz and Nifaas, may not perform the Qada of their missed Salaah.
8. If a person has missed many Salaah, then he or she may perform the Qada of these Salaah according to the order he or she has chosen. One should also mention before ones Salaah what Qada he or she is about to read.
9. If the Qada of that day’s Fajar Salaah is read before Zawaal, then it is better for the person to also read the Sunnah of the Fajar.


1. There are certain Ayah (Verses) of the Holy Quran, for which it becomes Waajib upon a person to make Sajdah. This rule applies for both the reader and the listener. However, if there is no one listening, then it is only Waajib upon the reader.
2. When reading any Sajdah Tilaawah verse, one should read the Takbeer, “Allahu Akbar”, and go into Sajdah. Only one Sajdah is made and the Takbeer is read in the Sajdah.
3. It is Makrooh to delay making the Sajdah Tilaawah.
4. Most of the Holy Qurans have the word “Sajdah” written in the margin. This enables the reader to identify the Ayaat-e-Sajdah.
5. It is also Makrooh to skip a Sajdah verse. In fact, there is much more Thawaab in reading it.
6. If a person is sitting and reads many Sajdah Ayaah, then the person is required to make only one Sajdah and not for each verse.
7. The fourteen verses (14) of the Holy Quran by which it becomes Waajib for one to make Sajdah Tilaawah are:

a. Surah Araaf: verse 206
b. Surah Raad : verse 15
c. Surah Nahl : verse 50
d. Surah Bani Israeel : verse 109
e. Surah Mariam : verse 58
f. Surah Hajj : verse 18
g. Surah Furqaan : verse 60
h. Surah Naml : verse 26
i. Surah Sajdah : verse 15
j. Surah Saad : verse 25
k. Surah Haa Meem : verse 38
l. Surah Najm : verse 62
m. Surah Inshiqaaq : verse 21
n. Surah Alaq : verse 19


Nawaafil Salaah, even though they are not obligatory, help Muslims to praise Almighty Allah and increase Barakah. It also helps us to create a closer bond with our Creator, Almighty Allah. Care should be taken that these Salaah are not performed during the Makrooh times.

Salaatut Tahajjud

Salaatut Tahajjud can be read from Isha till Subha Saadiq (dawn). Four to 12 Rakaah can be read. One may read this Nafil Salaah as a 4 or as a 2 Rakaah Salaah with Salaams after every 2 or 4 Rakaah. This Salaah is read after awakening from sleep.

Salaatul Ishraaq

Salaatul Ishraaq can be read from about 20 minutes after sunrise till the time of Salaatul Chaast. Two or 4 Rakaah of this Salaah can be read.

There is also great Barakah for one who reads this Salaah.

Salaatul Chaast

Salaatul Chaast can be read from the time when the sun has fully risen till the time of Zawaal. About this Salaah, Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has said, “Whosoever reads 12 Rakaah of Salaatul Chaast, Almighty Allah will build for him a place in Jannah.” One may read 4 or 12 Rakaah in this Salaah.

Salaatul Awwabeen

It is reported in a Hadith that whosoever reads 6 Rakaah of Salaatul Awwabeen after Maghrib without any talk will get Thawaab equal to 12 years of Ibaadah. Salaatul Awwabeen is read from after Maghrib till Isha. One may read from 2 to 20 Rakaah in this Salaah.

Salaatul Tasbeeh

It is reported that anyone who reads this Salaah will have all his or her sins wiped out. Salaatul Tasbeeh can be read once every day, or every Friday, or once in a month or once in a life time.


a. Make the intention.
b. Read the Thana after the Takbeer-e-Tahreema (first Takbeer).
c. Read the third Kalimah 15 times:
d. Read Surah Fatiha and any Surah. Then read the third Kalimah 10 times.
e. Go into Ruku. Read the Tasbeeh of Ruku and read the third Kalimah 10 times.
f. Stand up for the Qaumah and read the third Kalimah 10 times.
g. Go into the first Sajdah. After the Tasbeeh of Sajdah read the third Kalimah 10 times.
h. Sit in the Jalsa position after the first Sajdah and read the third Kalimah 10 times.
i. Go into the second Sajdah and after the Tasbeeh read the third Kalimah 10 times.
Note : This would complete the third Kalimah 75 times in each Rakaah. In this manner, when you have read 4 Rakaah, you would have read the third Kalimah 300 times. It is better to read the Salaatul Tasbeeh before the Fard of Zohar, that is, between the Sunnah and Fard of Zohar. However, if it is not possible, then you may read it at any time.

Salaatul Haajaat

Salaatul Haajaat is a 2 or a 4 Rakaah Salaah which is read if one desires a special favour or help from Almighty Allah. After this Salaah, one should read as much Durood Shareef as possible and beg Almighty Allah for assistance. After the Surah Fatiha in the first Rakaah, one should read the Ayaatul Kursi 3 times. In the second, third and fourth Rakaah, one should the 3 Quls (Surah Ahad, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas). If one is reading 2 Rakaah, then the 3 Quls should be read in the second Rakaah. One can read any Du’a.

Salaatul Istikhaarah

Salaatul Istikhaarah is read when one needs guidance on what action one needs to take in a certain matter. One should read 2 Rakaah Salaah with the intention of Istikhaarah. After completing the Salaah, one should read the following dua. When one comes to the word “Haazal Amr”, one should think about the reason he or she is reading this Salaah. After reading this Salaah, one should go to sleep and await for a sign. There should be no talking after the Du’a. It is better to read this Salaah for 3, 7, 9 or 11 nights. If one sees red or black colour in a dream, then it is a sign that one should not do what one intends. If one sees green or white colour, then it is a good sign for one to carry out ones intentions.

Salaatul Istisqa

Salaatul Istisqa is a Salaah for rain. The people get dressed in their old clothes and offer 2 Rakaah Salaah with Jamaah outside the town.

After the Salaah, the Imaam reads a Khutbah and then makes a Du’a for rain. Thereafter, the Imaam also changes his shawl inside out with the intention that the weather will change for the best.

Salaatul Kusoof and Salaatul Khusoof

Salaatul Kusoof is that Salaah which is read at the time of the eclipse of the sun.

Salaatul Khusoof is read at the time of the eclipse of the moon. In Salaatul Kusoof 2 Rakaah are read. The Imaam reads softly. After the Salaah, a long dua is read lasting till the moment the eclipse is over. In Salaatul Khusoof the 2 Rakaah of Salaah are read individually by each person. Each person reads the Salaah aloud. Thereafter, a Du’a is read.

Tahiyatul Masjid Salaah

This special Salaah consist of 2 Rakaah Sunnah which is read by a person on entering a Masjid. It should be read before one sits in the Masjid.

Tahiyatul Wudu Salaah

These are 2 Rakaah of Salaah which is read by a person after Wudu.


1 Muslims, with the intention of travelling 106 kilometres or more and intend staying at their destination for less than 15 days, must shorten their Salaah.
2. The Fard of Zohr, Asar and Isha Salaah is shortened from 4 to 2 Rakaah.
3. The number of Rakaah in the Fard of Maghrib and Fajar Salaah will remain the same and not be shortened.
4. The number of Rakaah in the Sunnah and Nafil Salaah (the other Salaah) will also remain the same.
5. If the “Musaafir” or traveller is in a hurry, he can leave out the Nafil Salaah. However, it is better that he performs it.
6. This shortening of Salaah on a journey is called “Qasr”.
7. When the Musaafir reads behind an Imaam who is not a Musaafir, then the Musaafir should follow the Imaam during the entire Salaah. He must not shorten his Fard Salaah.
8. If the Imaam is a Musaafir, he should notify the Musallies before the Fard Salaah that he is a Musaafir. What should the Musallies do? As soon as the Imaam completes his Fard Salaah (Remember, that he has shortened his Salaah), and reads the Salaam, the Musallies must stand up after hearing the first Salaam and complete their last 2 Rakaah. The Musallies should not read Surah Fatiha in these last 2 Rakaah but remain silent as much as the time it takes to read Surah Fatiha. The Musalli must then complete his Salaah with Salaams.


1. If a person is sick and cannot stand and read Salaah, he or she may sit and read Salaah. The head should be bent a little for Ruku and a little more for Sajdah.
2. If the person is very sick and cannot even sit up, then he or she may perform his Salaah while lying on his back. The head should be placed on a high position and the knees bent so that he or she will be able to bend the head a little for Ruku and a little more for Sajdah. If his or her knees cannot bend, then the legs should be facing straight towards the Qiblah.
3. If the person has been unconscious for less than 24 hours then he or she must perform the Qadah Salaah. If the person has been unconscious for more than 24 hours or more than the time in which 6 Salaah could have been performed, then there is no Qadah Salaah for that person.


1. Taraweeh Salaah is Sunnat-e-Mu’akkidah for both males and females during the Month of Ramadaan.
2. Taraweeh Salaah consists of 20 Rakaah with Salaams after every 2 Rakaah.
3. After every 4 Rakaah, there is a short resting period, during which a Zikr and a Du’a is read.
4. During Taraweeh, it is Sunnah to complete the entire Quran at least once.
5. To perform Taraweeh Salaah with Jamaah is Sunnat-e-Kifaayah.
6. Witr Salaah is read with Jamaah after the Taraweeh Salaah.


Conditions for Jummah Salaah

There are certain conditions that a person must fulfil before Jummah Salaah becomes compulsory. They are:
1. To be a male.
2. To be within the boundary of a town.
3. To be healthy (physically able to perform the Salaah).
4. The road to the Masjid should be safe.
5. Not to be physically handicapped, for example, being blind or cripple.

Sunnah Acts on the Day of Jummah

1. Make Ghusal (bath), trim nails and remove the unwanted hairs of the body.
2. Wear clean clothes. Of course, this should be done at all times.
3. Use sweet scent (I’tr) when going to the Masjid.
4. Try and read the following Surahs: Surah Kahf and Surah Dukhaan.
5. It is highly recommended that one reads the Salaatus Tasbeeh.
6. Read as much Durood Shareef as possible.
7. Make as much Du’a as possible.

The Jummah Salaah

1. The time for Jummah Salaah starts after Zawaal until the end of the Zohar Salaah time.
2. After the first Azaan, read the 4 Rakaah Sunnat-e-Mu’akkidah.
3. The Imaam normally gives a short lecture.
4. Then the two Khutbah are read. You should not speak, read Salaah or make Zikr during the Khutbah. You should listen carefully to the Khutbah and face the Imaam.
5. After the Khutbah, 2 Rakaah Fard Salaah is read with Jamaah.
6. Thereafter, the following Salaah are read: 4 Rakaah Sunnat-e-Mu’akkidah, 2 Rakaah Sunnat-e-Mu’akkidah, and lastly, 2 Rakaah Nafil Salaah.
7. Since Jummah is not Waajib upon the females, they can read their Zohar Salaah at home.
8. A person who misses his Jummah Salaah can perform his Zohar Salaah.
9. Nowadays, it is seen that many youngsters rush off from the Masjid immediately after the Fard Salaah of Jummah. This is a great sin as they are leaving out the Sunnah of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).
10. It is a great sin for a male not to go for Jummah Salaah without a valid excuse.
11. Avoid talking and making noise in the Wudu Khana and Masjid during the lecture and the Khutbah.
12. Do not come late to the Masjid and miss out on listening to the Jummah Khutbah. Many have the habit of just entering the Masjid before the end of the Jummah Khutbah and rushing for the Fard Salaah. This is not a good practise.
13. It is of great benefit to recite the Salaatu Salaam (ie. send Salaams to Sayyiduna Rasulullah sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) after the Jummah Salaah.